
The Importance Of Recycling Electronic Components

The next time you buy a new laptop or other electronic device with a circuit board, be sure to dispose of the old one properly. While it might not be in your best interest to take apart a single device to take out the different metals and sell them to the scrap metal yard, you can always take your things to a recycling plant and let them take them apart. Sure, you may only have one or two pieces you replace every year or so, but so does everyone else.

Make Holiday Stars From Recycled Cans

If you are a DIYer, one of the best parts of the holidays is coming up with all of the projects that you will be able to adorn your home with throughout the holidays. It is really rewarding to look around and know that you made the beautiful things that you are surrounded by. It is even better when you are able to make these things from low cost, or no cost materials such as cans from cans recycling.

Maximizing Your Scrap Metal's Potential

When it comes to scrap metal, one man's junk is definitely another man's treasure. It's easy to get your money's worth from a pile of scrap metal, but there are plenty of ways you can maximize the amount of money you'll get when recycling scrap metals. Take a quick look at these helpful tips for increasing your recycling payoff: Playing the Markets The value of scrap metal depends on a wide variety of variables, but no variable is more important than the price of the metals on the global commodities market.

Waste Not, Want Not: Tips To Help Your Family Create Less Waste While Getting More Out Of Life

If you are reading this, chances are you have access to recycling services. In fact, according to recent statistics, 87% of all American households have access to either a curbside recycling program through their waste management company or a community recycling center in their local area. This type of access is a very good thing because, as a nation, Americans produce in excess of 200 million tons of trash each year.

Don't Trash Your Business: Why Proper Trash Removal Is So Important

For businesses, day-to-day things like managing the waste that comes with running a business can easily get overlooked. After all, "taking out the trash" is often less of a priority than assisting customers or doing the things your business needs to do in order to be successful. However, poor trash management comes with great risks to your business' image and success. Here are just some of the reasons why you need to be aware of how you are disposing of your company's garbage so you don't end up trashing your business at the same time.